Using the social power of rugby to
strengthen communities and help
save the planet

With the support of World Rugby, SOS Kit Aid distributes second-hand and un-used new rugby kits to disadvantaged youngsters all over the globe.

But SOS Kit Aid is more than just a charity which recycles sports kit. Through our network of relationships, we harness the power of rugby and sport to make a positive impact on young people’s lives through sporting activities that promote healthy lifestyles, life skills and friendship.

On top of that, we help protect the environment by saving valuable UK landfill sites from vast amounts of unwanted kit and reducing harmful Co2 emissions.

Here’s the numbers:-

  • £8m of kit donated to disadvantaged young people
  • Over 700 deliveries made around the world
  • Benefitting a quarter of a million young people
  • Saving over 1500 tonnes of CO2 emissions

*figures correct as at August 2023

We work with a variety of supporters, sponsors, and Ambassadors, who provide a variety of support and contribution.

Background: the birth of SOS Kit Aid

The charity was founded back in 2001, by rugby dad, John Broadfoot, who, whilst during a trip to Romania witnessed a smiling 8 year old boy running with the ball under one arm, whilst he used the other arm to hold up his shorts. John wanted to do something about this.

John knew that his sons had several pairs of boots and other kit lying around at home, and so, to test out the potential, he collected kit from ten schools, to see how much was available on a wider scale. The test was an outstanding success.. and so SOS Kit Aid was born.

With the support of World Rugby, kit has been donated by schools, clubs and kit manufacturers from across the UK, with an estimated value of over £8m. Over a quarter of a million youngsters have benefitted from over 56 countries across the world.

And, on top of that, the charity is doing a fair bit to help protect the environment, by reducing the amount of kit going to UK landfill sites, and thus reducting harmful Co2 emissions.

In 2021 we celebrated our 20th Anniversary – click here to see what we’ve achieved, and what our supporters are saying about us…

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