We have diverted more than 250 tons of material from UK landfill sites and saved over 1500 tonnes of harmful Co2 emissions.

- John Broadfoot, SOS Kit Aid

Swapping landfill for laughter.  The numbers…

Thanks to our volunteers’ recycling efforts, we have diverted more than 250 tons of material from landfill and saved 1000 + tonnes of CO2 emissions.

  • We’ve delivered 700 shipments around the world to date
  • Recycling over £8m of kit
  • Impacting a quarter of a million young people
  • Across 56 countries

*figures correct as at August 2023

Protecting the environment, reducing harmful C02 emissions

SOS Kit Aid is making a positive impact on helping to protect the environment. Through our recycling efforts, we are helping to protect the planet.

Now, more than ever, society is realising the devastating impact our wasteful past has had on the planet – there’s even concern that if changes don’t happen now, then the damage could be irreversible.

By recycling sports kit, not only are we protecting waste in our landfill sites, but we are giving a new lease of life to the kit, and providing valuable resource to young people and communities around the world.

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