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SOS KIT AID would like to thank EAST ALLINGTON FC for their donation of a large amount of high-quality sports kit. The kit was donated via the MADRI BOYS SSC following “The Madri Boys and Totnes & Dartington FC Charity Day” in September. Liam Lindon of Madri Boys SSC, one of the driving forces behind the Charity Day, is pictured holding up one of the donated shirts.

MADRI BOYS SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB is based in the South Devon area and offers people over 35 years of age the chance to play Vets football and cricket, while regularly raising thousands of ££ for a wide range of worthy causes.

For more information about Madri Boys search: MADRI BOYS SSC on Facebook.
If your club or school would like to donate kit to SOS KIT AID please go to:


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